Sunday, October 26, 2014

SO I sent posters to my dad, and he'll print them and then I can put them in salons. #promotingftw

*profile picture at the top*

Slater’s Hair Mitzvah
Do you have an 8 inch ponytail lying around in your house? Or do you want to donate hair to children with cancer? If that ponytail is in good condition, the Children With Hair Loss program can take that pony and make a wig for a child with cancer.
I am collecting these ponytails for my mitzvah project. When I become a bat-mitzvah, I have to complete a project that is a mitzvah, or good deed. I want to collect ponytails for children with cancer.
If you want to donate a pony or monetary donation, please send it/them (in a plastic bag if it’s a ponytail) to 2400 E Arizona Biltmore #1200 Phoenix AZ, 85016-2109 United States along with the forms from their website,

That's the poster.

At my temple, I'm going to talk about my mitzvah project to a bunch of people. yay?

As the day (the dreaded day) of cutting off my hair comes, I'm slowly becoming more okay with it, BUT I still like long hair. Once I had a dream where my hair shorter and I looked GOOD *strikes sassy pose* that might have been because it was a lot thicker too.
ALSO when I made that video it proved that I slay short hair. EXCEPT I don't think it will be as short as any of those two things. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Last week, I wrote a lot of thank you notes, but I ran out of stationary. I went out of town this weekend, so I did not send them. Still, expect cards soon.

One of our family friend's kids cut off her hair, so now I have 22 ponytails.

We measured my hair this weekend, and my hair will be 2-3 inches longer than last time I did this.
(Cue embarrassing picture of my chin-length hair).

But that was the first day I got it cut so it looked *kind of* good.

This what it looked like on a normal day, going different directions, crazily parted bangs, me making an ugly face, the us(ual).

I am not going to get bangs because I learn from my mistakes*, and this is clearly one of them.



BUT I'm thinking of getting sideswept bangs, but they're sort of annoying, so IDK.

It's fall break, but it's the last day, and I'm crying because I don't want togo back to school.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

My Mom's Hair and Quilts

Last Tuesday I cut my mom's hair off, and now it's super short.
It used to be like this,

but now it's like this.
Here is this video of me cutting it.

I was really sad that all her hair was coming off, but she was super excited. It's so weird her having short hair, but I'll get used to it. I think she cut off 13 inches, which is obviously a lot.

I got some ponytails (not counting my mom's) this week, and now I have 21 ponytails.

ALSO I'm going to make a quilt for Gracie's Mitzvah project

These are the materials I'm doing

I think I'm going to cut red hearts and sew them on to the black and white fabric. Then, I'll sew those squares together.